Our pasture raised broiler chicken is exactly that, raised on a pesticide and herbicide free pasture with sunshine, fresh air and all the bugs they can eat. We supplement their feed with a NON-GMO grain mix absent of any medications, appetite stimulants or hormones. These practices result in a chicken that is healthy and stress free.
Hens raised on pasture have been shown to produce eggs that are far more superior to the conventional methods being used in today’s market. Here at Narrow Way Farms we allow our hens to roam freely on a pesticide free pasture chasing the things they like best, little critters. We supplement their diet with a NON-GMO grain mix to achieve the best most nutritious eggs.
Along with 4-6 times more Vitamin D, it has been shown that hens raised on pastures produce eggs that may contain:
•1/3 less choloesterol
•1/4 less saturated fat
•2/3 more vitamin A
•2 times more vitamin E
•7 times more beta carotene
Our pork comes from pasture raised pigs that are rotated through our forest with access to natural forage, plenty of sunshine and free access to move, root around and wallow in the mud. This module results in pork that is richer in fat soluble vitamins E and D, as well as a higher Omega-3 content which gives them a significantly better fat quality.
Our Turkeys, raised on pasture, are a seasonal product and are ready in time for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays. Pre-orders begin in June and run through mid-July. Like our pasture raised hens, our Turkeys are free range with access to all the goodies they can catch and scratch for. We supplement their feed with a NON-GMO grain mix absent of any medications, appetite stimulants or hormones.